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A reality in the United States. A future in Europe?

At the end of September 2021, the cumulative capital invested in the top 25 fintechs dealing with cryptocurrencies (which represent one of the main applications of blockchain) amounted to USD 7 billion and included mostly companies of North American origin, but also Indian, ...

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Fintech was not immune to the disruption caused by the health crisis, but it quickly regained strong momentum.

A troubled global context but favorable factors

Although Fintech companies are natively flexible in their organizations and innovative in the ways they work, they nevertheless suffered a slowdown in their ...

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Digital platforms enable a data-driven world rather than a process-driven world 

Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area are the world's leading place for the BtoC and BtoB platform economy. A platform is a business model that creates value by facilitating exchanges between at least two different groups, with one typically ...

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Over the past 20 years, between large Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects such as SAP/Oracle, Six Sigma, and other continuous improvement approaches, small and large companies have learned to think about process and key performance indicators. This effort is the fruit of a collective course, but chief information officers have been very much ...

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Daily, companies accumulate a large amount of information about their corporate, SMB, or individual customers via their CRM, ERP, TMS, eCommerce sites, and more globally, on a whole ecosystem made up of business partners and authorities upstream and downstream of their activities. This information accumulates in multiple databases and is exploited, ...

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