our core offers

At the junction of management and digital consulting, Alto Forte Consulting helps companies and organizations to go beyond what's holding them back. From strategy, by way of design up to execution, we will help you to make the relevant decisions to transform your organization, new ventures or offers, and mindsets.
Based in San Francisco, we expose your organization to the Silicon Valley ecosystem's best, like startups, venture capitalists, universities, peers, and experts.
Our consulting assignments naturally benefit from the added value of Silicon Valley.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, our assignments and executive programs are done virtually.


Digital Strategies

Scope, design, or adjust actionable digital strategy that advances business outcomes and deliver results.

This includes:

Business and operating model strategy
Data, the digital cornerstone
Platform strategy
Digital innovation approach
Disruptive technologies, critical driver of change
Competitive analysis from peers to startups


DIGITAL Services

Design appealing digital services or new ventures that matter.

This includes:

Challenge ideas/pain points with best technology and business experts to insure proper positioning
Create a momentum to boost your ideas/projects with significant progression - double down or kill the idea
Reset or rescue a project
Take advantage of open innovation


Transformation Architect

Succeed in your Digital Transformation through planning, managing, and reinforcing the people side of change.

This includes:

Secure your transformation path
Give meaning - Why before How
Co-design desired future
Boost digital culture and agile mindset
Develop digital leadership
Build digital capabilities


PROGRAMS For Executives

Tailor-made programs in Silicon Valley that will answer the big challenges you could have.

This includes:

Learning expedition - rethink your digital transformation and makes a collective reading emerge of what this implies for you.
Immersion program - develop the next class of high-potential leaders within your organization

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our executive programs are done virtually

Digital Strategies

Scope, design, or adjust actionable digital strategy that advances business outcomes and deliver results.

This includes:

Business and operating model strategy
Data, the digital cornerstone
Platform strategy
Digital innovation approach
Disruptive technologies, critical driver of change
Competitive analysis from peers to startups

DIGITAL Services

Design appealing digital services or new ventures that matter.

This includes:

Challenge ideas/pain points with best technology and business experts to insure proper positioning
Create a momentum to boost your ideas/projects with significant progression - double down or kill the idea
Reset or rescue a project
Take advantage of open innovation

Transformation Architect

Succeed in your Digital Transformation through planning, managing, and reinforcing the people side of change.

This includes:

Secure your transformation path
Give meaning - Why before How
Co-design desired future
Boost digital culture and agile mindset
Develop digital leadership
Build digital capabilities

PROGRAMS For Executives

Tailor-made programs in Silicon Valley that will answer the big challenges you could have.

This includes:

Learning expedition - rethink your digital transformation and makes a collective reading emerge of what this implies for you.
Immersion program - develop the next class of high-potential leaders within your organization

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our executive programs are done virtually

Mailing Address
340 Laurel Way, Mill Valley, CA 94941, USA

© 2021 Alto Forte Consulting

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